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Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

Frédéric Lavancier and Charles Kervrann were head of the organizing committee of the international workshop “Spatial Statistics and Image Analysis in Biology” (SSIAB'16), Inria Rennes, May 2016.

Frédéric Lavancier was head of the workshop “Spatio-Temporal Models and Statistics”, IRMAR University of Rennes 1, LMJL University of Nantes, ENSAI, University of Rennes 2, INRA Rennes, Inria Rennes, April 2016.

Patrick Bouthemy and Thierry Pécot were respectively main organizer and co-organizer of the BioImage Computing workshop in conjunction with ECCV'2016, Amsterdam, October 2016.

Patrick Bouthemy and Charles Kervrann were respectively main organizer and co-organizer of the mini-symposium “Image analysis advances in dynamic microscopy and live cell imaging” in SIAM Conference on Imaging Sciences, Albuquerque, New-Mexico, USA, May 2016.

Charles Kervrann was member of the organization committee of the Microscopy school MiFoBio'2016, Seignosse, October 2016.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Charles Kervrann: member of the scientific committee of rfia '2016 (Clermont-Ferrand), Associated Editor for the conference isbi '2017, member of the scientific committee of the “Image the Cell 2017” conference (Rennes), member of the scientific committee “Journées d'Imagerie Optique Non-Conventionnelle” (jionc '2016 and jionc '2017).

Patrick Bouthemy: Associate Editor for the conference isbi '2016 and isbi '2017, Area Chair of icip '2016, member of the program committee of rfia '2016.

Thierry Pécot: member of the program committee of bioimaging '2016.


Charles Kervrann: reviewer for icip '2016, icassp '2016, isbi '2016, icassp '2017, icip '2017.

Patrick Bouthemy: reviewer for icip '2016, isbi '2016.

Thierry Pécot: reviewer for isbi '2016, bioimaging '2016.


Member of the Editorial Boards

Charles Kervrann is Guest Editor of the special issue entitled “Advanced Signal Processing in Microscopy and Cell Imaging” of the IEEE Selected Topics in Signal Processing Journal, February 2016.

Charles Kervrann is Associate Editor of the IEEE Signal Processing Letters journal (since January 2015).

Patrick Bouthemy is co-editor in chief of the open access journal Frontiers in ICT, specialty Computer Image Analysis.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Charles Kervrann: BMC Bioinformatics, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, SIAM J. on Imaging Sciences, Methods, expert for the project evaluation in the framework of FONDECYT Science Council (Chile).

Patrick Bouthemy: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Applied Soft Computing Journal, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.

Frédéric Lavancier: Spatial Statistics, R Journal

Thierry Pécot: Bioinformatics, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.

Invited Talks

Charles Kervrann:

Patrick Bouthemy

Vincent Briane:

Thierry Pécot:

Frédéric Lavancier:

Scientific Expertise

Charles Kervrann:

Patrick Bouthemy:

Frédéric Lavancier:

Research Administration

Charles Kervrann:

Patrick Bouthemy: